ARTICLE I- CORPORATE NAME The name of this corporation is the Daytona Mustang Club, Inc. hereinafter called DMC.
ARTICLE II- CORPORATION PURPOSE The DMC is a not for profit corporation dedicated to the care, preservation and enjoyment of Mustangs and other Ford powered automobiles.
ARTICLE III- MEMBERSHIP A. Any person who is interested in Mustangs and other Ford powered automobiles may become a member. B. Membership in The Mustang Club of America (MCA) is encouraged but not required for membership in DMC. C. Officers of the Daytona Mustang Club must be members of The Mustang Club of America (MCA). Their MCA dues will be paid by the DMC.
ARTICLE IV- DUES A. Annual membership dues are $ 24.00 per year and due November of each year. First time member’s only dues are pro-rated at $ 2.00 per month. If dues are not paid by the December general membership meeting, you will be dropped from the membership roster. B. A membership includes the member, their wife or husband, (or significant other) and any Dependents under 21 years of age.
ARTICLE V—MEETINGS A. General membership meetings will be held January thru November at a place, date and time determined by the club membership. The December meeting will be the club Christmas party in lieu of a meeting. B. A quorum at a general meeting is fifteen (15) members present plus a minimum of three (3) officers. C. The Board will meet at a place and time determined by its members: 1. This meeting is open to any club member wishing to attend and anyone invited by the Board. 2. Only members of the Board may vote at the meeting. 3. A quorum for the Board meeting is six (6) board members. An exception to this would be amendments to the bylaws which would require full board attendance. Vote either by attendance or an email vote. 4. The Board reserves the right to call emergency meetings as deemed necessary. The membership will be informed of the nature of the emergency and the result of the meeting as soon as practical. D. Robert’s Rules of Order will govern all meetings.
ARTICLE VI- OFFICERS A. The officers are elected by the members to serve the membership. B. The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. In addition there are five (5) Directors. This will be the governing body of the Club and will be responsible for conducting the general business of DMC. These Officers and directors will be referred to as “The Board”. The President and Vice President shall be a Director for a minimum of one (1) year before being elected to office. Directors shall be a club member for a minimum of six (6) months before being elected to the Board. C. The President will preside over all meetings and may appoint other members to perform specific tasks of the DMC. D. The Vice President will preside in the absence of the President. E. The Secretary will keep minutes of all board meetings. The minutes for general meetings shall be taken when business is conducted that requires a vote. F. The Treasurer will: 1. Have custody of all funds of the club and disperse funds as directed by the Board or the general membership. 2. Maintain a file of the nature and location of properties of the DMC. G. Directors will be responsible for MCA activities, technical issues, club communication, competition, event planning and other activities as needed.
ARTICLE VII- NOMINATION AND ELECTIONS A. A nominating committee of three (3) DMC members will be appointed by the board to Oversee all election activities as follows: 1. Seek out nominees who agree to serve on the board. 2. Nominations will be presented to the General Membership in October for November elections. 3. Nominations for elected positions will be accepted from both the nominating committee and the general membership. B. Election will be held at the November general membership meeting. 1. Count ballots immediately after the election. 2. Report the results of the election to the membership as soon as the count is complete. 3. Make a motion to accept the election results. C. The newly elected board members will take office the first of January. 1. Incoming and outgoing board members will meet in December.
ARTICLE VIII—TERMS OF OFFICE A. The term of office will be from January 1 thru December 31. B. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected annually for (1) term (1 year). C. Directors will be elected for two (2) terms (2 years). 1. Elections will be staggered so the board maintains continuity. D. Vacancies: Any position being vacated before the end of the term will be filled to complete the vacant term by nomination by the Board and confirmation or rejection by majority vote of the members present at the next general membership meeting. If the nominee of the Board is not confirmed, the procedures of Article VII paragraphs A and B will be followed to fill the position.
ARTICLE IX- VOTING A. Issues coming before the Board will be voted on by the Officers and Directors. B. Issues coming before the general membership will be voted on by a show of hands at a regular membership meeting and decided by the majority of the members present. C. A majority is over half of the membership present at the meeting. D. Only two (2) votes per membership.
ARTICLE X- DISMISSAL FROM ELECTED OFFICE/MEMBERSHIP A. The Daytona Mustang Club is a family with a common bond of ownership of or interest in Mustangs or other Ford powered automobiles. Like any other family, disputes can arise from time to time. 1. The first step of conflict resolution is for the affected members to make a good faith effort to resolve the matter informally in a way that benefits the DMC as a whole. Expulsion of members or dismissal of officers does not benefit DMC except in extreme circumstances. 2. If step 1 is followed and the conflict cannot be resolved, one or more of the members must bring the matter before the board for resolution in a way that benefits DMC as a whole. 3. If steps 1 and 2 are followed and the conflict cannot be resolved by the Board, any member may make a motion at a general meeting that removal from office or expulsion be considered by the membership. If the motion receives a second and a majority of the members present vote in favor, the Board will notify the officer or member in writing not less than fifteen days in advance that possible removal from office or expulsion will be decided at the next general membership meeting. At that meeting the President or Vice President will explain the reason for dismissal or expulsion. The Officer or member will be given time to defend himself/herself. A majority vote of members present will decide what action to take, including no action if appropriate. This vote will be the final decision. B. Failure to attend three or more Board meetings may be considered grounds for dismissal from elected club office. C. The Board will nominate a replacement for any Officer removed. Confirmation or rejection will be by majority vote of the club membership present at the next regular meeting. If the nominee of the Board is not confirmed, the procedures of Article VII paragraphs A and B will be followed to fill the vacant position.
ARTICLE XI – CLUB RECORDS A. Complete financial records of all club assets and money will be kept by the Treasurer. B. Financial records will be audited by an audit committee appointed by the Board on an annual basis. C. Complete record of all current club members will be kept by the Membership Chairman. D. Club minutes of each general membership and Board meeting will be kept by the Secretary. E. All DMC records will be open and available to all DMC members upon request.
ARTICLE XII – AMENDMENTS TO CURRENT BY-LAWS A. Any bylaw of the Club can be amended. B. Amendments to current bylaws shall be sent in writing to the Board seven (7) days prior to Board meetings and to the general membership one (1) month prior to the next general membership meeting for review and suggested changes. C. All amended and additional bylaws require a majority vote of the members present at a general membership meeting for approval.
ARTICLE XIII – DISSOLUTION A. In the event of dissolution of the DMC, all DMC assets will be equally divided among DMC then current membership.